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  • Writer's pictureDuisters & Giarratano

Keeping it Simple Series: Changing Residence of a Conserved Person

A "conserved person" is a person under Conservatorship. A Conservatorship is established to protect people who cannot properly provide for their own personal needs for physical health, medical care, food, clothing, or shelter. The "conservatee" is the protected person. The "conservator" is the person appointed to manage the conservatee's affairs.

Once established, the court must be informed or give consent to many life choices made on behalf of the conservatee. One major life choice is the choice of residence. If moving within the state of California, the conservator must give notice of the intent to move to the conservatee and any family of the conservatee under California Rules of Court, rule 7.1063 and 7.1013. After the move, the conservator must inform the court by filing form GC-080 (Post-Move Notice of Change of Residence)

Leaving California. If the conservator wishes to move conservatee outside of California, they must first obtain permission from the court. Not doing so could result in admonishing or suspension of the conservator by the judge. To obtain permission, conservator must file GC-085 (Petition to Fix Residence Outside The State of California) under Probate Code 2352 and notify conservatee's family at least 15 days prior to the scheduled court hearing date. In many cases, if leaving California for longer than 4-months, a conservatorship must be established in the new state of residence.

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